Was born in Belgrade, Serbia (former Yugoslavia) in 1959. He studied classical guitar in Belgrade, and graduated from the Zagreb (Croatia) Academy of Music. Post-graduated work (musicology & philology), at the University of Belgrade. Attended various Master Courses. Dojcinovic has performed more than 3000 concerts around the world, presented numerous leactures, and gave many master classes. He acts as adjudicator for a great number of international guitar competitions, and writes for various guitar magazines and music journals. He has made more than 40 recordings ( LPs, Music Cassettes, CDs), and has published over 400 different compositions and guitar works for various publishing companies througout the world. Dojcinovic is a frequent guest in radio and television programmes. For his artistic activity, durable work and creative contribution to the cultural expansion, development and the promotion of the classical guitar and its literature, Dojcinovic has received over 40 different national and international medals, diplomas and other various rewards and prizes. Dojcinovic is founder and Artistic Director of several Yugoslavian guitar events (Festivals, Competitions, Guitar Series), and currently teaches at the music conservatory in Belgrade. He is also President of Yugoslav Guitar Society & Foundation.
wurde 1959 in Belgrad (Serbien) geboren. Er studierte klassische Gitarre und Musikwissenschaft an der Musikakademie in Zagreb (Kroatien) und an der Belgrader Universität. Zahlreiche Konzerte im In- und Ausland, CD- und Rundfunkaufnahmen sowie musikwissenschaftliche Publikationen belegen sein weitgefächertes berufliches Engagement. Er erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen als Gitarrist, aber auch für seinen konsequenten Einsatz zur Förderung zeitgenössischer Musik als Organisator. Dojcinovic ist Gründer und künstlerischer Leiter zweier jugoslavischer Gitarren-Festivals. Heute lebt er in Belgrad, wo er auch am Konservatorium unterrichtet.